One on One with my staff

In one of the gyms that I am the co-owner of, I am “responsible for staff”. That means that I am responsible for their development, I am responsible for making sure everyone is happy working with us and I am responsible for making sure everyone is “aboard the bus” and that they are in the right seats on the bus.

I plan our staff meetings; I write SOPs and routines and such. But the main thing I do is that I meet up with them on a bi-weekly basis. Everyone that is “more than group coach”, is part of that system.

Basically, I consider my role as “removing obstacles” so they can keep growing. Removing obstacles can be things like;

  • Helping them grow as leaders so they have the necessary confidence
  • Helping them plan workshops, small groups, specialty programs etc
  • Helping them find a structure in their lives and at the gym so they can be more focused and productive
  • Helping them reflect on their Perfect Day to make sure they are moving in the right direction

The feedback I get from staff is phenomenal. They really appreciate me spending lots of time and energy on them and they really see the difference it makes! That feedback, and also the changes I see in us being more consistent, is clear proof that spending more time with your staff is key to building your business!

This last month, we have focused a lot on being more consistent regarding three different areas;

  • Social media and creating content
  • Client journey and retention
  • Selling more PT

We have weekly meeting where our Client Success Manager follows up on all clients presently in our 90-day intro process. All coaches who have clients in the intro process must be there and report.

Everyone who do PT, programming, treatments, nutrition coaching, kids/teens are also responsible for posting on social media and communicating client success stories. In my one on one meetings I follow up on that and I also help them create more effective posts. I am responsible for the social media calendar and that it is being consistently delivered upon.

I meet up with our head coach biweekly and one of our big ambitious goals is to 5X our PT in three years. That would mean selling PT for more than 50000 dollars a month!

Possible? Definitely, the question is how hard we are willing to work to make it happen! I know for sure that it´s not going to happen without me setting that goal and without me meeting with him on a regular basis. Me and him, and our team of coaches, are going to have to work really hard to make that happen😊

The thing is, you can´t really expect good things to happen without coaching your staff. Or, perhaps you can expect GOOD things to happen but not EXCELLENT things? It´s like comparing group training with personal training or individual programming, group training can take you a long way but if you really want to optimize performance you need more individualized programs…

Coaching your staff means that you need to do more than having staff meetings every once in a while. You need to do more than just talking to them when you meet in the gym. You need to do more than just writing SOPs and checklists.

They need to be challenged, nurtured and taken care of, followed up upon, motivated, shown appreciation, sometimes disciplined…that is your role as a leader. Accept that role and see the effects. Your staff is going to like it, you are going to like it and the business is going to like it.

Start making a plan for meeting your staff more often, start practising your skills as that kind of a leader.

If you really want to grow as a leader, make sure to book your spots at Coaches Congress in January!
