Being a business owner means a lot of work, something most entrepreneurs are willing to accept. After all, we have a dream and an ambition and we are willing to put in the work.
But…being a business owner also means that you should accept the responsibility to build a solid business. A business that would survive without your constant overwatch.
July is a typical ”vacation month” in many countries, are you able to take vacation from your gym?
A professional business owner takes steps to climb the value ladder in her own business. Makes sure that her time is spent on roles and tasks that are most valuable and delegate other roles and tasks. There should be coaches and cleaners and managing staff that are able to run the business when you are on vacation.
Perhaps you ARE on vacation? From your other job, where you work full time. Perhaps vacation from that job means ”able to cover more coaching hours” in your gym? Where does that live your family and other relationships? Are you going to be more rested after your ”vacation” or less rested?
Coaches Congress was founded to help gymowners and coaches become more professional. Not just in coaching but in business as a whole. Making sure to build a functioning business is a crucial part of becoming more professional.
How long are you going to wait?