I want you to be able to choose

2020 at Coaches Congress, we had a couple of presenters talking about “Owner´s lifestyle”. I think this is a very important topic because if often gets neglected.
Personally, I have always been interested in helping gym owners succeed. I was one of the first boxowners in Sweden and we have certainly struggled a lot on the way. There is no reason for all other gymowners in Sweden, or anywhere in the world, to go through the same problems that we´ve been through. Some methods that were popular ten years ago are simply not efficient so why stick to them?
I am part of Two Brain Business and I like the “Help First Philosophy” that is one of TBBs trademarks. The abundance mindset really gives so much value. We can share best practices all the time and all of us can grow because of it.

I want that for all gymowners. I want that for everyone that came to Coaches Congress last year. I want that for YOU!
Some attendants at the presentations about “Owner´s Lifestyle” interpreted the message from the presenters as; “you should not be doing any coaching in your gym because you should be spending all your time developing the business”.
That is not really correct, what we want is for you to have the option to CHOOSE. If you love coaching, you should spend some of your time coaching. If you love creating content, such as blogposts or Podcasts, then you should spend some of your time doing that. The problem arises if/when you HAVE to do a lot of coaching and don´t get the time for developing your business, such as;

• Evaluating and coaching your staff
• Creating content and building expertise
• Learning more about sales and marketing

or if you don´t have any time for your family because you need to coach the morning classes and perhaps even some of the evening classes? Then what is the point of running a gym? If your business doesn´t take you closer to your Perfect Day, then what is the point?

You should be able to choose where you spend your time and on what. You should also have an understanding about what roles and tasks are more valuable for you to spend time on. That analysis is super important and will lead to you bringing more value to the business. When you can spend more time on higher value roles, you can also see where there are opportunities to hire for other roles. Slowly, but steadily, you start building a business that can function without, IF that is what you want.

Imagine having a situation where the gym runs perfectly fine without you! What would you do then? Would you come in first every morning or would you first drop your kids of at school? What you join the lunchclass instead of coaching it? Would you spend more time building your network and attracting more new clients instead of answering emails or doing the invoices?
I hope you get my point?

In order to get some sort of direction, you need to meet other gymowners. You need to meet owners in order to see that your gym is not unique and your problems are not unique. It doesn´t matter if you live in a small town or a large. Your members are not different from members in other gyms. Your staff is not different from staff in other gyms. What really makes the difference is the owners, the ones running the business. Some owners just take action, some hesitate forever. Some owners listen to advice and try, some make excuses and never try.

What kind of owner do you want to be? What kind of life do you want? What kind of opportunities do you want to give your staff? What kind of people do you want as members and how do you want to serve them?
It is for this reason that I started Coaches Congress eight years ago. I want you to meet other owners and coaches. I want you to be inspired, motivated perhaps even a bit scared or something, as long as you take action and responsibility for growing yourself and your business.

Bring your team and your business partners to Coaches Congress and then start taking action. Let us met again in 2022 and 2023 and look back on all the cool stuff you have achieved.
I want you to succeed, do you?


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