Finding The Spark

Thank you to Coaches Congress because You made me realise what was missing inside of me as a coach and now I am just feeling that energy and enthusiasm that I had many years ago 😃

“Value” is perceived differently for attendants at the Coaches Congress.

  • For someone it might be “seeing a clear financial return on investment”. Like learning how to better package and sell PT.
  • For someone it can be “meeting one of my rolemodels” like Marcus Filly, Chris Cooper or Karl Steadman
  • For someone it could be “meeting up with likeminded peers to share ideas and struggles”

Or, as for the person who wrote the quote above, it can be about finding the spark again. Finding the motivation that once brought you into this industry. How do you put a value on that?

Whether you are a struggling business owner or your business is booming, there will always be value for you and your staff at events like Coaches Congress. You just have to learn to watch for it and to plan for it.

Do you need help in planning your visit for the best possible ROI? Reach out and let me know, let´s make a plan!

2023 can be your year 🙂



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