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Krista Scott-Dixon

Precision Nutrition

Dr Krista Scott-Dixon (also known as “KSD”) is the Product Director at Simple, an app dedicated to improving health through nutrition. Previously, Krista was Director of Curriculum at Precision Nutrition, leading the development of the PN Academy and PN Certifications, including their Level 1 and Level 2 Master Health Coach Certifications along with their Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Certification

She is the author of several books, including Why Me Want Eat and co-author of the The Essentials of Nutrition Coaching for Health, Fitness, and Sport textbook, along with an extensive list of academic publications, book chapters, articles, and reports. 

Before working with Precision Nutrition, Dr. Scott-Dixon was a researcher and faculty member at York University in Toronto. She has more than 20 years in fitness and health coaching, and 10 years of university teaching and course direction. In the mid-1990s, her website Stumptuous.com was one of the first to promote women’s weight training, and since then she’s focused on helping people make meaningful change.

She has lectured and taught internationally across North America as well as in the UK, Ireland, China, Australia, and Southeast Asia. 

She is also a trained counselor specializing in the psychology of behaviour change, with certifications in a range of areas including motivational interviewing along with solution-focused, DBT, CBT, and trauma counselling. Her irreverent book on disordered eating, Why Me Want Eat: Fixing Your Food Fuckedupitude, makes mental health issues accessible (and even funny).

Her compassionate, pragmatic style makes her a sought-after speaker, writer, and podcast guest.