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Olof Johansson

Råstyrka Gym

Olof’s passion is in coaching and running his micro gym in Växjö, Sweden. Focusing on helping his clients achieve their goals with great technique in the barbell lifts and using his own “six months of raw strength” method.

Olof’s background is in MMA, HEMA, powerlifting and strongman. After competing in different sports Olof recognized the importance of long term planning of training. This led to the development of his training method, where the athlete archives peak performance every six month.

As a coach Olof has helped men and women compete in strongman, strongwomen, powerlifting, javelin throw and hammer throw.

In  2021 Olof coached the winner of the national strongman 90 kg class Viktor Johansson. It was a great moment for both coach and athlete since Viktor did a major heart surgery late in 2020. In just about twelve months we managed to do rehab and get Viktor in absolute peak condition winning with a lead of more than ten points.

Olof’s core belief is that everyone will benefit from using long term planning of their training.