Tighten your leaks and raise your ARM
ARM – Average Revenue per Member – is a great proof that we are delivering high value to clients. A high ARM means that clients buy more of our services, […]
Gymägardagboken: Personalutveckling
I det här första avsnittet 2021 pratar jag om vår personalutvecklingsplan. Detta är något som jag kommer att behandla mer i detalj framöver. Vad har ni för utvecklingsplan för er […]
Raise your arm if you want higher ARM!
ARM- Average Revenue per Member, is the perfect proof of client value. If your group training fee is 1280 SEK and you have 100 clients with an ARM of 1280 […]
Recapturing clients
Take a guess: who is most likely to buy your services? If you guessed: ”Our excisting clients” you were right! The ones who are most likely to buy from you […]
“Not in it for the money”
Have you ever looked down at a construction worker for doing his job for money? Did you ever spend a thought about whether a car mechanic has got some sort […]
Gymägardagboken: Bonusavsnitt
Dagens filmklipp är ett bonusavsnitt av “gymägardagboken” där Per berättar om hur han arbetar med individuell coaching av personal.
En företagare som gör vinst har en miljon drömmar…
”En företagare som gör vinst har en miljon drömmar, en företagare som inte gör vinst har bara en” I mitt jobb som gymägare är jag ofta i kontakt med andra […]
Are you even trying?
You have definitely ran into a couple of clients that have real problems following your advice. They come to your gym and they tell you about their goals, but they […]